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The Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore is one of the best places to learn sciences in India. It has been rated as the best university in India on the NIRF Rankings. It is one of the oldest institutions in India and has produced some of the brilliant researchers in the country.

The institute has so far offered only the B.S (Research) Courses in pure sciences. Admissions to the B.S Courses in the following disciplines.

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Materials
  • Earth and Environmental Science

The courses are 4 years long and admission to these programs are offered via the JEE (Main), JEE (Advanced), NEET (UG) or via the KVPY Channel.

This year, IISc Bangalore is introducing the B.Tech (Mathematics and Computing) program. The programme offers electives in:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Computational Science
  • Quantum Computing
  • Signal Processing
  • Computational Biology and more.

The programme is designed to produce the next generation leaders who understand the science behind computing and the skills to innovate for the future.

Admissions to the BTech (Mathematics and Computing) programme are offered via the JEE (Advanced) rank.

How to Apply for the IISc UG Programme?

B.S (Research) Programme

For the BS Programme, you may apply via any of the channels (JEE-M, JEE-A, NEET-UG, KVPY) on the UG Application portal.

The deadline to apply for the UG (B.S) programme is May 31, 2022, at the time of writing this article. With the delays in conducting JEE (Mains) and JEE (Advanced), the deadline could be extended. Therefore, please keep checking the application portal regularly.

B.Tech (Mathematics and Computing)

The applications open on June 1, 2022 and close on August 31, 2022 at the IISc Admissions Portal.

Please note that IISc. B.Tech admissions are not conducted via the JoSAA Portal for IIT/NIT admissions. Applications to IISc need to be made separately.

Should you apply for the IISc B.Tech Programme?

IISc Bangalore has had a reputation for focussing on pure sciences and never offered B.Tech programmes. Most of the students are more focussed on engineering degrees, simply because of the perception that engineering gives a high paying job. The B.Tech in Mathematics and Computing is probably one step by IISc to attract the best talent in the country.

There is no doubt that IISc will offer the best education. However, be prepared for a research focussed program and not a traditional B.Tech programme offered by some of the Tier 2 or Tier 3 colleges.

The BTech Computer Science space is getting saturated with colleges like VIT offering over 2000 seats for this programme every year. Soon, the supply will outstrip demand and only the ones that stand out in the crowd or have anything unique to offer will be able to secure jobs.

This is the first B.Tech batch at IISc and we do not have any placement record or reviews of the programme by senior students as of now. We can only rely on the institute’s reputation, which is stellar as everyone knows 😀 .

IISc is not a place to chill, by any means. The programme will be rigorous, research-based and is not for an entry level job at mass recruiting firms like TCS and Infosys. If you want to be different, get into the depths of computational sciences and be an innovator, this is probably the place for you.

The programme will have a lot of emphasis on the mathematical aspects of computing. It requires passion for math as a subject. If you dislike math or don’t have an aptitude for it, if you are studying math just to get through the JEE exams, you may consider giving this programme a miss.

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